
Yiddish in GERMANY



The recently elected Jewish Mayor Peter Feldmann, Frankfurt.

Wer is Peter Feldmann?


The pendulum of time …


The newly elected Mayor Peter Feldmann, Frankfurt Germany.


Time changes all the time!


Do Germany protect the old nazi-criminals ?



German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the bravery of a Danish cartoonist who caricatured the Prophet Muhammad at an award ceremony honoring his achievements for freedom of speech.

In her speech praising illustrator Kurt Westergaard, “who has had to fear for his life since the publication of the cartoons in 2005,” Merkel emphasized Wednesday that media freedom is an important element of rights in Europe.

“It does not matter if we think his cartoons are tasteful or not, if we think they are necessary and helping or not,” Merkel said at the ceremony in the city of Potsdam. The question, she said, was, “Is he allowed to do this? Yes, he is.”

Kurt Westergaard.

There have been at least three attempted attacks on the 75-year-old Westergaard or his newspaper, the Danish the Jyllands-Posten, since he and 11 other artists angered Muslims around the world by creating the Muhammad cartoons four years ago. Protesters in Muslim countries have torched Danish and other Western embassies.

Westergaard’s cartoon, which he said took 45 minutes to draw, was considered by many Muslims the most offensive of the 12. He has rejected calls to apologize, saying poking fun at religious symbols is protected by Denmark’s freedom of speech.

Merkel’s appearance at the award ceremony drew criticism from Muslim groups, who perceived it as an endorsement of Westergaard’s cartoon. Aiman Mazyek, general secretary of Germany’s Muslim Council, told public radio Deutschlandradio that Merkel is honoring the cartoonist who sullied “our Prophet … and thereby all Muslims.”

Kurt Westergaard.

Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, rejected the criticism and said Merkel’s message was to underscore the importance of freedom of speech.



The German Eichmann files


are still censored.

Germany‘s intelligence service has handed out over thousands of files about the top Nazi Adolf Eichmann to the journalist, Gabriele Weber, who sued for them. But with so many passages blacked out and pages missing, she’s taking the matter back to court.

About 3,400 files had been examined, while she only received some 2,400 pages. Another 1,000 – about the years before Eichmann was captured by Israel – were held back. Of the pages she did receive, much of the information was stroked out.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office, head of the intelligence agency BND, has tried to keep the Eichmann files secret, despite a federal court’s order in April that, the BND, could not keep all of the documents secret.

Weber hopes the files will shed more light on missing pieces of the puzzle. Who helped him escape? How much did Germany know about where he was?

This is a violation of Gabriele Weber’s human rights.

A disgrace to Germany.


Thilo Sarrazin censored.

Thilo Sarrazin.



whether we like his comments on Jews or not!

For the first time in a 50-year history, the Bundesbank 2.9.2010 has decided unanimously that the controversial Bundesbank board member, politician and author, Thilo Sarrazin (65) should be dismissed.The dismissal of Thilo Sarrazin will require the approval of President Christian Wulff.The exact reasons for the requested dismissal of Thilo Sarrazin are not known.Following the publication of the book “Germany abolishes itself” with controversial theories of the author and politician Thilo Sarrazin wished Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel (CDU), angry people of Jewish and Muslim faith fallen into the dismissal of the criticism politician and author.Thilo Sarrazin yet announced on Monday at a press conference for the presentation of his book that he trusted to the right of free expression under Article 5 of the Basic Law.The Bundesbank announced in a brief press notice: “The board of the German Bundesbank today decided unanimously to ask the President the dismissal of Dr. Thilo Sarrazin as a member of the board.

This is a violation of Thilo Sarrazin‘s human rights.

A disgrace to Germany.

Das Buch des ehemaligen Berliner Finanzsenators und jetzigen Bundesbankvorstands Thilo Sarrazin sorgt für Empörung.

Ich wäre ja Nobelpreis-verdächtig, wenn ich in dieser Debatte einen wirklich neuen Beitrag geleistet hätte. Mein Text ist sachlich, aber ich finde es für Botschaft und Lesbarkeit nicht schädlich, dass an der einen oder anderen Stelle die Emotion durchscheint. Das ist auch gut für die Wahrnehmung. Ein Buch, das kaum einer liest, hätte den damit verfolgten Zweck nicht erreicht.

„Beim gegenwärtigen demografischen Trend wird Deutschland in 100 Jahren noch 25 Millionen, in 200 Jahren noch acht Millionen und in 300 Jahren noch drei Millionen Einwohner haben.”


.The Taiba mosque, a minor Hamburg mosque once frequented by Sept. 11 attackers, was searched and forced to close on  9.10.2010 by the German authorities.

The mosque had been under observation by local intelligence officers for “quite a long time”.

About 45 supporters of jihad live in the Hamburgarea and around 200 people regularly attend Friday prayers at the Taiba mosque.


The former mosque in Hamburg.

Over the years, the mosque also became a magnet for so-called jihad tourists – Muslims from out of town who bragged about having worshipped at the same mosque were once the Sept. 11 terrorists gathered for prayer. The now banned jihadist group’s home page on the Web have also been shut down.




A top security official says he sees anti-Semitism in both right-wing and Muslim extremists in Germany.

Heinz Fromm, president of the domestic intelligence agency, is quoted in Der Spiegel Sunday as saying both have “a similar picture of the enemy: Israel and the Jews overall.”

Fromm said that while neo-Nazis adhere to a racist anti-Semitism, Muslim extremists “are oriented toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” He said both groups have the idea “that Israel and the Jews have undue power that needs to be fought.”

Last month, a group of Arab youths attacked and shouted anti-Semitic slogans at a Jewish dance group during a street festival in Hannover.



»Die Blockade ist


Monophonie im Bundestag.

Der Bundestag fordert Israel einstimmig auf, die Abriegelung sofort zu beenden

von Katrin RichterKatrin  Richter

Am Donnerstag hat der Bundestag fraktionsübergreifend gefordert, die Gaza-Blockade aufzuheben. Dem Antrag »Ereignisse um die Gaza-Flottille aufklären, Lage der Menschen in Gaza verbessern, Nahost-Friedensprozess unterstützen«, der von CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP und den Grünen eingebracht wurde, stimmte auch die Fraktion der Linkspartei zu. Sie hatte zuvor einen eigenen – ähnlichen – Antrag formuliert hatte, der jedoch abgelehnt wurde.

Management In dem gemeinsamen Papier fordert der Deutsche Bundestag die Bundesregierung auf, nicht nur die internationale Untersuchung des Einsatzes gegen die sogenannte Gaza-Flottille zu unterstützen und die Blockade des Gazastreifens aufzuheben, denn diese sei kontraproduktiv und diene nicht den israelischen Sicherheitsinteressen. Auch die Bemühungen der Vereinten Nationen, einen Seeweg für Hilfslieferungen in den Gazastreifen zu schaffen, gilt es zu unterstützen. Darüber hinaus solle die bisherige Positivliste, die darüber entscheidet, welche Waren in den Gazastreifen kommen, in eine Negativliste verbotener Güter, wie Waffen und waffenfähiges Material umgewandelt werden. Ägypten müsse zudem einen kontrollierten Grenzverkehr ermöglichen. Der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde soll angeboten werden, beim Aufbau eines konstruktiven internationalen Grenzmanagements zu helfen.

Über diesen Forderungen stehe die Wahrung der legitimen Sicherheitsinteressen Israels, heißt weiter. Aus diesem Grund muss der Raketenbeschuss und Waffenschmuggel aus Gaza nach Israel sofort beendet werden. Zudem fordern die Bundestagsfraktionen, die sogenannten Proximity Talks, Friedensgespräche zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern, zu unterstützen. Ziel sei es, eine Zwei-Staaten-Lösung zu ermöglichen.

Qualität Die Abgeordneten der Fraktionen begrüßten, dass ein einheitlicher Antrag zustande gekommen war. Rainer Stinner (FDP) verwies auf die »neue Qualität gemeinsamer deutscher Sicherheitspolitik«, die mit diesem Papier gezeigt werde. Auch der SPD-Abgeordnete Rolf Mützenich begrüßte die Zustimmung der Linkspartei.

Kritik an dem Papier kam vom Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland. Der gemeinsame Antrag sei keine Lösung, um den Waffenschmuggel zu unterbinden. Dahinter stehe keine umfassende Strategie, um die Sicherheitsinteressen Israels zu wahren und die Lage der Palästinenser in Gaza zu verbessern. Auch sei der Antrag keine Hilfe im Kampf gegen die internationale Terrororganisation Hamas. Somit widerspreche das Parlament dem strategischen Interesse der Bundesrepublik nach einem dauerhaften Frieden in Nahost, heißt es im Zentralrats-Beschluss von dieser Woche.

Zum Thema: http://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/blogs/ber


Read also:

On Gaza



Are the Germans about to create

a new cult place for nazi worshippers?

In the center of old Berlin the Germans have created a museum located at the site of the Nazi Gestapo and the SS- headquarters. Both buildings were demolished after the war but the basement of the Gestapo building was rediscovered in 1987, having merely been buried, not obliterated, and today serves as part of a new “NAZI-museum”.

In 1992, two years after German reunification, a foundation was established to take care of the site, and the following year, it initiated an architectural competition to design a permanent museum. Now the SS- and Gestapo headquarters have been opened as a part of a “NAZI-museum”.

אויסשטעלונג אָפּענס בייַ אמאליקע צענטער פון נאַצי שטאַט

וויסיטאָרס צו בערלין וועט ווידער קענען צו אַרומוואַנדערן די חורבות ווו די געסטאַפּאָ, סס און אנדערע נאַצי יידזשאַנסיז געלאפן אדאלף היטלער ס דיקטאַטאָרשיפּ 1933-1945, נאָך אַ ניי ריפערבישט אויסשטעלונג קאָמפּלעקס אָפּענס צו דעם פּובליקום.
דער צענטער, וואָס אָפּענס זייַן טירן אויף פֿרייַטיק, אַדז אַ מוזיי און אַ ביבליאָטעק צו די פריער ספּאַרטאַן ויסשטעלונג באַוווסט ווי דער “טאָפּאָגראַפי פון טערראָר,” וואָס געצויגן ווי פילע ווי 500.000 וויסיטאָרס אַ יאָר איבער די לעצטע צוויי טאָג.
בערלינער מייער קלאַוס וואָווערעיט געזאגט בייַ דאנערשטיק ס באַאַמטער עפן אַז די ניו יגזיבאַץ אין די אמאליקע פּרינז אַלברעטשט סטראַססע ילאַסטרייץ אַז פרייַהייַט, דעמאָקראַסי און יידל רייץ האָבן צו זייַן פארטיידיקט אויף אַ טעגלעך יקער.
“מיר האָבן אַ פֿאַראַנטוואָרטלעכקייט צו מאַכן זיכער אַז עפּעס ווי אַז קיינמאָל טרעפֿט ווידער – ניט אין דייַטשלאַנד, ניט אין אייראָפּע אדער אין דער וועלט,” וואָווערעיט געזאגט.
ניו יגזיבאַץ דאָקומענט ווי היטלער ס רעיטש אַפּערייטאַד און ווי דייטשישער דעלט מיט דער פינצטער פּרק פון געשיכטע אין די אַפטערמאַט פון וועלט מלחמה.

A “NAZI-museum-site” – and a future cult place?
די שטח אַמאָל כאַוזד ניט בלויז היטלער ס געסטאַפּאָ סוד פּאָליצייַ און זייַן תפיסה, אָבער אויך די אָנפֿירונג פון דער סס, די נאַצי פּאַרטיי ס פּעראַמילאַטערי אַפּאַראַט און די רעיטש סעקוריטי הויפט אָפפיסע. נאַצי פירער אַזאַ ווי העינריטש היממלער, רעינהאַרד היידריטש און אדאלף עיטשמאַנן אַלע האבן אָפאַסאַז אויף די גאַס.
דער מוזיי געבויט אין די מיטל פון די רעמנאַנץ “בלעטער די שטאָט ס שראַם קענטיק,” האט געזאגט דער צענטער ס דירעקטאָר, אַנדרעאַס נאַטשאַמאַ. דער פּלאַץ איז אַ ביסל מינוט ‘גיין פון די קאַפּיטאַל ס חורבן דענקמאָל, וואָס געעפנט אין 2005, און די אידישע מוזיי.
Source: WIKIPEDIA and AP.


German historians plan to publish

Hitlers ‘Mein Kampf’ in 2015

German historians plan

Hitler’s Mein Kampf reprint

Annotated version of controversial book

outlining racial supremacy set to print

after its copyright expires at end of 2015.

German historians plan to reissue Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf,

the partly autobiographical book which outlined

the Nazi dictator’s vision of racial supremacy.

Adolf Hitler’s copyright on Mein Kampf,

in the hands of the Bavarian state government

since the end of the Nazi regime,

has untill now been used to keep his inflammatory manifesto

off the shelves in Germany.

But with the expiration date looming in 2015,

a showdown is developing over the first German publication

of the book since the end of World War II.

Experts at the respected Institute of Contemporary History

in Munich say they want to prepare a critical, annotated version

of the book for release the copyright expires

70 years after Hitler’s suicide in his Berlin bunker.

“We hope to prevent neo-Nazi publications by putting out a commented,

scholarly edition before that,” said a German historian.


Revival of Fascism –

or prevention of  Nazism ?

Two fascist giga-criminals – should they be  allowed
to be heard/read again?

The president of Germany’s Central Council of Jews,
Holocaust survivor Charlotte Knobloch, opposes publishing the book —
but her organization’s general secretary
Stephan J. Kramer, takes the opposite view.


Stephan J. Kramer, secretary general

of the Central Council of Jews in Germany in Berlin,

says that the publication of “Mein Kampf”

continue to split the Jewish community in Germany,

with many Holocaust survivors opposing its publication.

“I have the highest respect for this opinion,

but on the other hand I’m saying very openly:

The copyright is going to be waived anyway.

It’s a matter of time before the book is available

in shops and libraries”.

Mr. Kramer said that with the book available on the Internet,

it was important to have the work put in context by a responsible

group like the Institute of Contemporary History.

“Those who are already on the wrong side already

have the book and already read it from their own

point of view,” he said.

“Let’s get it out there,

and let’s get it out there with a commentary.”


The application for the iPhone, the “iMussolini” has caused heated debate in Italy.

The program gives users access to a hundred speeches by Benito Mussolini,

videos and facts about the Italian dictator.

One week after the program was released for sale on the iTunes

application was second in the sales charts in Italy,

before the game that Avatar, with over a thousand downloads a day.

But now it stopped. Luigi Marino, who developed the software,

withdraws it after threats of lawsuits.

Marino says that he plans to make the application available again

as soon as the legal aspects have been investigated.

The clips were originally intended as an educational.

The Film Institute, which owns the rights to the videos

that appear in the application is highly critical of how the material is used.

The Institute believes that the videos into the application, a total of 25 minutes,

are intended to be used as training material and not as propaganda.

The program was released barely a week before Italy’s annual day of remembrance

of the Holocaust and the application has been severely criticized

by Jewish groups and survivors of the Holocaust.
Apple wanted not comment on the case.

Editors note:
It is by law forbidden
to re-print “Mein Kampf” in Germany.
But it is not difficult to foresee
that the book might be re-printed in German
somewhere else in the Arabic world
as well as in Arabic too.

Wird bald hier sein!

Coming soon!

באַלד קומענדיק


  1. Hi all,

    Great to read about Yiddish in Germany!

    I was just wondering if you’d consider removing the centered justification of the page… Left justification looks a bit more credible. Thx.

    James Forsyth

    • Of course – the error have been corrected! The Editor.

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