
Yiddish in SWEDEN



ייִדיש אין שוועדן – הייַנט

די פּינטלעך נומער פון ייִדיש ספּיקערז אין שוועדן הייַנט איז שווער צו שאַצן. עס זענען צווישן 20 000 און 25 000 יהודים און פון די דאזיקע, וועגן 4000 זענען אנגענומען צו האָבן אַ עכט און גוט באַהאַוונטקייַט אין ייִדיש. א נומער פון, וואס זיי וועלן זאָגן אַנדערסטאַנדינגז ייִדיש, אָבער טוט נישט רעדן דעם שפּראַך. א ווייניק זענען געווידמעט ייִדיש און זענען וסינג איין ווערטער אָדער פראַסעס צו באַשטעטיקן דעם זייַן גרופּע. ייִדיש איז מערסטנס דיסטרעססעד אין די משפּחה, צווישן פריינט און משפּחה און אין קשר מיט דער פאַרבאַנד און קולטור אַקטיוויטיעס

אין שוועדן הייַנט, עס איז אַ רענעסאַנס פֿאַר דער ייִדיש קולטור, געזאַנג, קלעזמער און ייִדיש גערעדט. אין סטאָקכאָלם, גאָטהענבורג, מאַלמאָ, לאַנד און באָראַס עס זענען ייִדיש ווער פאַרבאַנד אָרגאַנייזיז קולטור יוונינגז, געזעלשאַפטלעך יוונינגז און טעאַטער.
די שוועדיש ייִדיש אַססאָסיאַטיאָן אויך אָרגאַנייזיז אַ יערלעך, געזונט-אַטענדאַד סעמינאַר אין ייִדיש. דאס סעמינאַר לאַדן לעקטשערערז פון אוניווערסיטעטן אין אנדערע לענדער. יענע וואס ווי מוזיק און געזאַנג אין ייִדיש קען עאַטש יאָר געניסן אַ ייִדיש יאָמטעוו האַרט אין סקäרהאָלמענס קירך אין סטאָקכאָלם.
די שוועדיש רעגירונג גיכקייַט רעקאָגניזעד ייִדיש ווי אַ מיעט שפּראַך אין שוועדן אין לויט מיט די קאָונסיל פון אייראָפּע קאַנווענשאַן

Yiddish in Sweden – year 2012.

The exact number of Yiddish speakers in Sweden today is difficult to estimate. There are between 20 000 and 25 000 Jews and of these, about 4000 are assumed to have a genuine and good proficiency in Yiddish. A number of them would say that they understand Yiddish, but does not speak the language. A few are devoted to Yiddish and using single words or phrases to confirm its group. Yiddish is mostly used in the family, among friends and family and in connection with the association and cultural activities.

In Sweden today, there is a renaissance for the Yiddish culture, singing, klezmer and speaking Yiddish. In Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmo, Lund and Boras there are Yiddish associations which organizes cultural evenings, social evenings and theater.

The Swedish Yiddish Association also organizes an annual, well-attended seminar in Yiddish. These seminar invite lecturers from universities in other countries. Those who like music and singing in Yiddish may each year enjoy a Yiddish festival held in Skärholmens church in Stockholm.
The Swedish government has recognized Yiddish as a minority language in Sweden in accordance with the Council of Europe Convention.

Jiddisc i   Sverige  ida

Det exakta antalet jiddischtalare i Sverige idag är svårt att fastställa exakt. Det finns mellan 20 000 och 25 000 judar och av dessa kan ungefär 4 000 antas ha en genuin och god språkfärdighet i jiddisch. Ett antal förstår jiddisch men talar inte själva jiddish. Ytterligare några känner samhörighet med jiddisch och använder enstaka uttryck för att bekräfta sin grupptillhörighet. Jiddish används oftast inom familjen, bland släkt och vänner och i samband med förenings- och kulturaktiviteterna.

I dagens Sverige pågår en renässans för den jiddische kultur, sång, klezmer och jiddisch. I Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Lund och Borås finns det jiddischföreningar som arrangerar kulturaftnar, samkväm och teaterföreställningar. Sveriges Jiddischförbund anordnar också ett årligt, välbesökt seminarium om och på jiddisch. Till dessa seminarier inbjuds föreläsare från universitet i andra länder. De som tycker om musik och sång på jiddisch kan varje år glädjas åt en jiddischfestival som arrangeras i Skärholmens kyrka, i Stockholm.

Den svenska regeringen har erkänt jiddisch som ett minoritetsspråk i Sverige i enlighet med Europarådets konvention. Jiddisch ses som en del av det svenska och det europeiska kulturarvet.

Fakta om jiddisch i Sverige…

  • Jiddisch har varit ett av Sveriges officiella minoritetsspråk sedan år 2000
  • Av de 20 000 judar som är bosatta i Sverige talas jiddisch av cirka 3 000. Språkfärdigheten varierar från dem som har det som ett fullvärdigt modersmål till dem som möjligen har en begränsad talfärdighet och gärna skulle lära mer. För de flesta utgör jiddisch ett kulturarvsspråk.
  • De som aktivt använder språket i Sverige i dag är främst vuxna personer.
  • Dessa är barn och barnbarn till flyktingar som kom till Sverige efter andra världskriget och på 1950- och 60-talen, från Europas olika hörn. Tack vare att det i Sverige bodde en judisk befolkning som i hög grad talade jiddisch, blev språket en länk mellan dem som bott i Sverige i generationer och de nytillkomna.


די ביבליאָטעק – אוניווערסיטעט פון לונד

(A photo of  “ – of ” belonging to János Székely

has been removed 21.7.2012 on request of János Székely.)

קופּיק האָבן באקומען אַ בריוו פון דעם אמעריקאנער פּראַפעסער

Jan Schwartz.

Tayere kopenhagen-khevre, ikh hob gehert vegn ayer veb-zaytl fun a khaver in Boston. S’zet oys zeyer gerotn. ikh bin tsufridn az s’iz faran an aktive grupe yidishistn afn ander zayt brik. Vi ir veyst, hobn mir a yidish-program in mit kursn af dray farsheydene madreges: onheybers, avanzirte un kandidat. Ikh hof az ir vet farshpreytn di yedies vegn undzer program un shikn denishe studentn in , s’iz nit mer vi 45 min. fun Hovedbanegården mit der ban.

די הויפּט באַן סטאַנציע אין קאָפּענהאַגען

Copenhagen – Central Station. 
Ikh hob baygeleygt a call for papers tsu dem ershtn akademishe yidish-konferents in . Mir planirn oykh a kulturele program af yidish farn konferents. Der konferents vet me haltn af english.
grusn, Jan Schwarz



Yiddish meeting in Malmoe, August 19-21, 2011.

Applications before  June 25, 2011.




Wiesenthal Centre to World Mayor Award:

“Malmo Mayor’s Anti-Jewish Statements

Should Disqualify His Candidacy for 2010


Paris, 12 October 2010In a letter to City Mayors and World Mayor coordinator, Tann vom Hove, Simon Wiesenthal Centre’s Director for International Relations, Dr. Shimon Samuels, praised organization’s annual election of ‘World Mayors’ who “excel in…leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity,social and economic awareness, ABILITY TO PROVIDE SECURITY…to FOSTER GOOD RELATIONS BETWEEN COMMUNITIES from different cultural,racial and social backgrounds”.

Neverless, Samuels expressed concern that “one of 25 mayors shortlisted for 2010 award, has reportedly contradicted very qualities highlighted above. Mr.Ilmar Reepalu, is Mayor of Malmo, a Swedish city of some 300,000 of which over 60,000 are Muslim and 756 are Jews.”

letter continued “on 27 January 2010, international Holocaust Commemoration Day, daily Skanska Dagbladet began a series of articles on Malmo’s Jews, many of whom were helped by Danish fishermen to flee Nazis to neutral Sweden. Ors sought refuge from Communist Poland’s anti-Jewish incitement in 1968. articles described ir current harassment by neighbouring Muslim youth incited by Jihadist satellite television and websites – facts substantiated by local police.”

Samuels stressed that “when interviewed, Mayor Reepalu blamed situation on Jews mselves as community did not ‘distance itself from Israel’, reby extraterritorialing his Jewish citizens and questioning ir very loyalty to Sweden. He strangely told Judisk Kronika (Jewish Chronicle),’ community showed no sympathy for me when I was threatened by extreme right’.”

Centre noted that,”as several of children and grandchildren of those who sought refuge in Sweden, began to flee Malmo, Reepalu denied that Jews were ever attacked, adding for British Sunday Telegraph,’…if y choose to leave, re is nothing [he] could do about it, ‘n presenting himself as victim of an ‘Israeli’ lobby smear campaign out to silence him.”

letter added that “Reepalu claimed his comments to press had been distorted, until correspondent publicized recorded interviews, proving that Mayor had not been misquoted. reupon, he briefly launched a cosmetic ‘Dialogue Forum for Jews and Muslims’, at same time repeating his call for former to denounce Israeli policy and equating ‘Zionism’ ( right of Jewish people to sovereign self-determination) with ‘antisemitism'( racism that resulted in Holocaust).”

Centre argued that “a Mayor who fails to stand up for all his citizens cannot be a role model and what Reepalu has said and done against Sweden’s Jews, especially in Malmo, should disqualify his candidacy for World Mayor 2010.”

“Your website notes that all of candidates must sign a Code of Ethics. As one, who was advised by worshippers after Friday night prayers ‘not to leave synagogue for my hotel, for fear of assault’, I consider it unthinkable that Mayor Reepalu could subscribe to Article 2 of Code: ‘Mayors shall not discriminate against individuals or groups because of ir race, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation…’or even to your Mission Statement’s commitment ‘to provide security’ for all his citizens”.

“Mr.vom Hove,cancel Reepalu’s candidacy which arguably tarnishes reputation of your World Mayor prize,” urged Centre.

Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in United States. It is an NGO at international agencies including United Nations, UNESCO, OSCE, OAS, Council of Europe and Latin American Parliament (Parlatino).

For furr information contact Dr. Shimon Samuels on 0033 (0) 609770158, join Center on Facebook, , or follow @simonwiesenthal for news updates sent direct to your Twitter page or mobile device.


Elections in Sweden are in Yiddish.

latest elections for Parliament in Sweden was held in Yiddish, i.e. instructions to voters were translated into Yiddish in full length:  jiddisch – att_rosta

Jews in Sweden are recognized as protected minority.


Swedish anti-Semites name trekking trails

using NAZI-names


A series of mountain crags called “Swastika” and “Himmler” have caused uproar in Sweden after a climber publicized Nazi-inspired names given to popular climbing area. According to accepted climbing practice, first person to tackle a route has  right to name it, but concerns have been raised after it was revealed that routes in popular Järfälla climbing area outside Stockholm had been given names inspired by Third Reich, British newspaper reported.

According to report, between 1987 and 2001, climbers christened new routes “Kristallnacht”, “Crematorium” and “Little Hitler”.

Anor was named “Zyklon B”, after cyanide gas Nazis used to murder Jews.

“I thought it rar unpleasant to climb through ‘Crematorium’ or say

that ‘now I am going to do ‘Kristallnacht’,” Cordelia Hess, a climber, told Stockholm’s Dagens Nyheter newspaper.



Jihad Jane – and fascist Moslem terror

Irish police have arrested seven Muslims suspected of wanting to assassinate Swedish accounting Lars Vilks.
Cartoonist depicted time Prophet Muhammad as a dog in newspaper Nerikes Allehanda. terrorist network Al Qaeda vulnerable since a reward of $ 100,000 on his head.
Those arrested, according to police four men and three women.

An American woman in America accused of plotting terrorist acts – particularly in Europe.
A target must be Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who in 2007 represented Prophet Muhammad with a fighting dog’s body.

In Sweden re is a contemporary urban folk custom of placing in center of “roundabouts” ( circular traffic islands in middle of major intersections) whimsical homemade sculptures representing pet dogs. sculptures, which are fairly commonplace in Sweden, are called “roundabout dogs” (rondellhund in Swedish). In summer of 2007, Swedish artist Lars Vilks made some paintings of Mohammed as a roundabout dog; after y were rejected by two art galleries wary of controversy, a sketch based on one of paintings ended up being published in a small local Swedish newspaper, Nerikes Allehanda. Incredibly, this ignited an international furor, with protests, diplomatic quarrels, and threats of violence. original sketch, seen above, was also posted on Vilks’ blog.

blond, greeneyed 46-year-old woman, suspected of taking code name Jihad Jane in more than a year to be prepared for terrorist plans on Internet. Among or things she tried to recruit volunteers in U.S., Europe and Asia for terrorist attacks. She was arrested in Philadelphia 15th October last year when she returned from a Europe trip, says television channel CNN.

Jihad Jane’s real name is Colleen Larose, and her office is a suburb of Philadelphia in U.S. state of Pennsylvania.
– I live in Pennsylvania, is originally from Texas. I have recently converted to Islam, and I can safely say that of all things I’ve made in my life, it’s becoming a Muslim, what I am most proud of, she writes on MySpace under signature Jihad Jane.

woman has in March 2009 received a message from a person in a country in South Asia, with instructions to kill a Swedish citizen.
U.S. media reports that it was Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who was killed. A U.S. official confirmed information to CNN.   indictment has woman undertook to kill Swede.
In March last year, she contacted Swedish embassy and asked for information to get a permanent residence permit in Sweden. In August she travelled to Europe and, according to indictment has tracked down his intended victim on Net “in order to implement its mission.”
Irish authorities Tuesday arrested four men and three women, also suspected of plotting to assassinate Lars Vilks. Allegedly, American woman arrested for se seven, originally from Morocco and Yemen.

Lars Vilks.

Following alleged plot to murder artist Lars Vilks, who drew cartoon

depicting Prophet Muhammad with body of a dog,

Swedish newspapers publish it to take stance for freedom of speech.

At least three Swedish newspapers today published

a cartoon depicting Prophet Muhammad with body of a dog

after an alleged plot to murder Lars Vilks who created it.

‘A threat against him is, in long run,

also a threat against all Swedes,’

one paper says.


Eurabia Is a Place in Sweden

Continent’s post-Christian baptism of Jews: Convert to Israel-bashing and you’ll be safe.


Malmö, Sweden

In this city—just across a narrow stretch of water that separates Sweden from Denmark—what has been called “Eurabia” is slowly becoming reality. Roughly 20% of Malmö’s 290,000 residents are of Muslim, mostly Arab, origin. ir widespread hatred of Israel toger with traditional Swedish anti-Zionism— result of left’s ideological supremacy here—form an explosive cocktail.

Screaming “Sieg Heil” and “Hitler, Hitler,” a mostly Muslim mob threw bottles and stones at a small group of Jews peacefully demonstrating for Israel at this town’s central square last year. Worshipers on ir way to synagogue and Jewish kids in schools are routinely accosted as “Dirty Jews.” Last year’s Davis Cup tennis match against Israel, which pro-Palestinian activists had sought to cancel, was held behind closed doors. official reason was to avoid disruption by anti-Israeli protesters. But roughly 6,000 of m clashed with police during event anyway. Notwithstanding official explanation, closed-door match left impression that Israel is a pariah state that needs to be quarantined. Not surprisingly, Malmö’s small Jewish community of roughly 700 is getting smaller as families leave town.

Faced with se attacks on city’s Jewish population, Malmö’s mayor, Ilmar Reepalu, seems curiously unperturbed by, if not sympatic to, attackers. Asked to condemn anti-Semitism in his city, Social Democrat suggested in a January interview to Skånska Dagbladet—published on International Holocaust Memorial Day, no less—that it’s partly Jews’ own fault. ir crime? y didn’t “distance” mselves from Israel and Gaza war. ” community chose to hold a pro-Israel demonstration,” Mr. Reepalu said, a move that “may convey wrong message.” Besides, Zionism is just as bad as anti-Semitism, mayor added. Both are “extremists who want to set mselves over or groups.”

In an interview last week, mayor tells me that Skånska Dagbladet didn’t quote him in his entirety. Mr. Reepalu didn’t mean to criticize Zionism as such, he says, but what he called “revisionist” Zionism, which has led to “occupation of territory.”

But even if this were true, I asked, why did he find it necessary to attack Israel when he had simply been urged to oppose anti-Semitism? In lieu of an answer, mayor recited familiar laundry list of alleged Israeli crimes, such as “disproportionate attacks” and “destroying” peace. “I fear a Third World War,” mayor muttered darkly.

Steering interview back to Malmö, I asked wher he was worried that his denunciations of Israel might fuel and legitimize anti-Semitic violence in his city, leaving his Jewish constituents to feel abandoned by him? He conceded that “I understand now that this is how y feel and that I have to be more cautious.”

But Mr. Reepalu has been slow to reach out to city’s Jewish minority, meeting with its representatives recently only after national head of his own party, Mona Sahlin, had talked to Malmö’s Jewish community. Even more worrisome is that while party leadership may have been embarrassed by Mr. Reepalu’s comments about local Jews, his comments about those in Israel are pretty mainstream in Sweden.

Many leading Social Democrats attended last year’s anti-Israel rallies—where Jewish state’s flag was burned while those of Hamas and Hezbollah were waved. Among demonstrators was Ms. Sahlin, likely to become Sweden’s next prime minister after September’s general elections. “I think Gaza is comparable to Warsaw Ghetto,” said Ingalill Bjartén, vice chair for Social Democratic Women’s organization in sourn Sweden. And according to Left Party’s Hans Linde, Israel is a “racist aparid state.”

This sort of demonization of Israel and Israelis—which meets European Union’s own definition of anti-Semitism—is increasingly common across Continent. Wherever Israel is delegitimized as a pariah state, local Jews are inevitably condemned to pariah status as well. In streets of Malmö, one can hear “Kill Jews,” while at “peace” rallies in Amsterdam and Berlin, chanted instructions are somewhat more specific: “Hamas, Hamas, Jews into Gas.”

se are not idle words. Anti-Semitic attacks in Malmö doubled last year to 79, while in London y hit a record of 924. And as some Swedish Jews are contemplating emigration, thousands of ir French co-religionists have already moved to Israel to escape harassment.

Mr. Reepalu’s suggested solution for Europe’s Jews is a sort of post-Christian baptism. If conversion to Christianity was ticket out of ghetto in earlier times, conversion to Israel-bashing may do trick today. If Jews “distance” mselves from Jewish state, y will be safe, maybe even accepted in polite company. This would truly be a Eurabian night falling on Continent.

Mr. Schwammenthal is an editorial writer for Wall Street Journal Europe.

SOURCE: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/pol/1628863393.html

Förväntas bli avslutad inom kort

Kommer snart!

Coming soon!

באַלד קומענדיק


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    Szomorúan látom, hogy a Lund University Librari fényképem engedélyem nélkül tette fel a weboldalra.
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  5. Yiddish music, videos, short stories,?…


    Bruno Kampel, Hudiksvall

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