
Yiddishe cell phones

Click with mouse for animation:

Write Yiddish on your mobile phone

… you can already get a lot of

Yiddish programs

for the Iphones

Yiddish texting

Click for zooming.

It isn’t easy to be ‘a Yid’ …


… but KOPJIK try to make it easier for you!

Yiddish programs for Iphones in general tend to be much cheaper that the similar programs for computers. The price can often be just 25% of the price of a Yiddish PC-program:


Some of the available programs are even free-ware.

You can already now get a considerable number of Yiddish programs for the Iphone – and the number of Yiddish programs for Iphone and similar mobil phones are expected to increase furter along an exponential growth curve:


The prayer Iphone or prayer Ipad.




In addition to the Yiddish language programs a great number of programs for Iphones with a judaistic content already exists

mainly in English and Hebrew:


Along with some Yiddish-related utilities as luachim (calendars), holiday-guides, chassidic educational programs  etc. :









ייִדיש הומאָר ווען עס איז בייַ זייַן בעסטער

Amazing cell phone art on video

The Israeli band Izabo have presented a new music video with an amazing kind of cell phone art that may create a whole new trend in modern art communication.

By using a great number of Iphones in the video

Izabo have created an amazing way of presenting their tunes

by illustrating the texts

of their songs as

seen through the touch screen

סיס וויל

אַ גלעסאַלעה

ווייַן מיין פרייַנד

of an Iphone. L’chajim briderlach!

The result have become

a very creative new kind of video-art

which in their “On My Way” shows

Yiddish humour when it is best.


Poppy Israeli rock band Izabo’s new video

“On My Way”

Watch the video at:


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