
Yiddish in Turkiye



ERDOGAN – The Tyrant


Mir vet oysvorttelen Twitter 3 (IO)“We’ll eradicate Twitter!”


We will eradicate Twitter (IO)‘We’ll eradicate Twitter!’



ErdoAni5We’ll eradicate Twitter! Viel geschrei – wenig wolle!



Tayyip The Turkish Tyrant

‘We’ll eradicate Twitter. I don’t care what the international community says,’ Turkish PM Erdoğan said at his campaign rally in Bursa. Turkey have blocked access to Twitter overnight Friday 21.3.2014 hours after the corrupted Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to “rip out the roots” of the website. Just before midnight, access to Twitter was already blocked in Turkey.


Links of audio recordings and documents implicating Tayyip Erdogan and other top officials in corruption have been posted on Twitter ahead of crucial local elections on March 30.


This is a kind of censorship! And censorship is a violation of the human rights of the Turks, Jews and other ethnic groups that live in Turkey. To punish an entire population by depriving the people their sovereignty and part of their freedom of speech because a few may have written something on Twitter that corrupted Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan didn’t like – is a clear cut abuse of power.  Tayyip Erdogan has no right to curtail the human rights of the people of Turkey.

Erdogan 10

We all remember how he supported the terror-regime of Hamas in Gaza and tried to turn the friendly Turks against Israel.

Erdogans afskårne bånd til Israel

His Twitter-act is a clear cut illegal abuse of power! The act by itself prove how corrupted he is. The national motto of Turkey is “Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir” meaning “Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation”. Sovereignty doesn’t belong to a corrupted tyrant named Tayyip Erdogan!

Insanların egemenlik halka aittir! 

Turkish social media users have started to figure out ways to circumvent the blocking,

like DNS-tweaking and VPN services!

Güç insanlara!

Turkey’s Islamic democracy:

Corrupt and undemocratic!

KAK partiet



Turkish and Israeli governments

are still enemies.

Turkey‘s prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has again accused Israel of “state terrorism” and called on the Jewish state to apologize and compensate victims of a raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: “the Israeli government must apologize and compensate (victims) for the state terrorism in the Mediterranean.”

Last month, Turkish President Abdullah Gul refused to meet with President Shimon Peres in New York. The Turkish leader said that “we will not forgive Israel for those killed in the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla, even if Israel apologizes.” His remarks were quoted by Turkey‘s official Anatolia news agency.


“Hiney ma tov uma nayim …”


Turkey –

still “a friend of Israel and the Jews”.

A delegation of Turkish diplomats, headed by Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu have visited Washington and met with State Department officials as well as officials from the Department of Defense and Department of Commerce.

Turkish newspaper Zaman of 26.8.2010.


Turkish officials in Washington have assured the Americans that Ankara plans to maintain friendly ties with Israel despite the May 31 flotilla incident. A Turkish diplomat told Washington that the flotilla raid was an incident between “two friends”. He stressed that the incident does not affect Turkey‘s ties with Israel or the Jewish people, but solely with the Israeli government.


FM undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu.


The diplomats asked the Americans to pressure Israel, in hopes of overcoming the aftermath of the flotilla affair.


Zaman 26.8.2010.



Iran don’t want women to earn their own income.

Iranian authorities have closed the Tehran operations of Oriflame Cosmetics and detained five workers, because it employs women as sales consultants. The business idea of Oriflame is to sell cosmetic products and to give 40,000 Iranians, principally women, the chance to earn money on the direct sales.
In Tehran, state radio reported that the company had violated tax regulations and custom law, and operated an illegal marketing scheme. An an Iranian newspaper, Kayhan, accused the company of supporting opposition members in Iran.
Oriflame’s chief financial officer, Gabriel Bennet, rejected all the allegations:
“Of course this is not true. We are running a business in Iran according to good international code of conduct”.



The sign says: “Lütfen acik = Please open!”

(Birak mayiniz = Drop your fluid)


The Mavi Marmara repercussions

While the Turkish government maintains that “people from 30 different countries were involved” in the flotilla heading for Gaza, it has been a source of deep annoyance for it that none of the countries that these citizens come from are pursuing the Mavi Marmara incident the way Turkey wants.

Israel would never have accepted cooperating with the panel set up by Ban ki-Moon had it not gotten some solid reassurance of support from Washington.

Blod from the attacked Israeli soldier.

Attacked Israeli.

The terrorists meaning of Birak mayiniz = “Drop your fluid”.



Turkey have protested against Israel’s killing of  Turkish activist beating Israeli soldiers om May 31 st. 2010 on board Mavi Marmara.

The Turkish terrorist, Prime Minister Erdogan, an old friend of Osama bin Laden, wants to buy American drone aircraft to combat Turkish citizens in his own country (Kurdish freedomfighters i the southeastern part of his country) after the US military withdraws from Iraq at the end of 2010.

The Kurds in Turkey are deprived many of their human rights and have during years been forbidden even to speak their own language. They can be considered “under siege” in there “Turkish Gaza Strip” in the south of Anatolia (= the upper northwest ofKurdistan).

The Kurds are Moslems like the Turks. Apparently it is allowed for Moslems to kill Moslems.

Turkish military recently announced killing over 100 Kurds in series of air raids. A strange act done by the defenders of ‘human rights’ in Gaza, indeed. For some unknown reasons, the UN security council did not gather in an emergency session, and the world did not rush to condemn the ‘Turkish murderers.’


The Kurds live in the “Turkish Gaza Stripe”.



Turkey accused of using

Chemical weapons against PKK

Turkey appear to be using chemical weapons against Kurdish rebels. A German weekly, Der Spiegel, reported on its website last week that it had obtained photographs showing the bodies of fighters from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) that had been killed by chemical weapons. German experts have examined and confirmed the photographs’ authenticity.

Horrifying images show burned, maimed and scorched body parts. The people in the photos are supposed to be eight missing members of the PKK underground, who were undoubtly killed in clashes with the Turkish military in September 2009.

This is not the first time Turkey is suspected of using chemical weapons, in violation of the international treaty to which it is a signatory. Such suspicions have led German politicians to call for an independent international probe into the matter.

Turkey has been suspected of using chemical weapons for years. “Local people have said that again and again,” she explained. Finding proof is difficult, however, she said, because bodies were often released so late that it was hardly possible to carry out a thorough autopsy.

Additional, shocking pictures, supposedly autopsy photographs of six other killed Kurds are circulating in Germany.




Turkeys Mavi Marmara frustration is growing

The panel set up by Ban ki-Moon could easily end up being yet another battle ground for the two countries to lash out at each other, thus contributing to a further deterioration of their ties. The problem on both sides is that the two governments’ constituents have been radicalized over this issue. Therefore neither side can afford an image of caving in to the other.


Turkey has been insisting from the start that the commando raid by Israel against the Mavi Marmara took place in international waters, and was therefore a violation of the “Mare Liberum” principle of international law. Turkey wants the panel to establish this violation and agree upon a punitive decision against Israel. Turket want Israel to be punished so that it will first “apologize, and then pay compensation for its illegal act.” While the Turkish government maintains that “people from 30 different countries were involved” in the flotilla heading for Gaza, it has been a source of deep annoyance for it that none of the countries that these citizens come from are pursuing the Mavi Marmara incident the way Turkey wants.

Israel would never have accepted cooperating with the panel set up by Ban ki-Moon had it not gotten some solid reassurance of support from Washington.

America hope that the results of the inquiry will contribute significantly to the much needed peace and tranquillity in the region. The task of the Panel, which has the support of both Israel and Turkey, will receive and review the reports of each government’s national investigation into the incident (in the American perspective), and make recommendations as to how to avoid such incidents in the future. The panel’s main aim should be to bring about a rapprochement between Turkey and Israel. Washington will be there solely to ensure things don’t go awry from Israel’s point of view.

From an American point of view the whole affair is eroding Turkish-American ties, at a time when the two countries are facing challenges that require that they maintain a level of good relations. The American administration wants that the two close allies of America, Turkey and Israel, should arrive at some kind of a friendly settlement regarding this whole incident and look forward to improving their once good ties by utilizing this panel to that effect. Unless a friendly settlement is reached over this incident between Turkey and Israel, a settlement which enables both sides to save face, matters will continue to get worse, which will hardly contribute to stability in the region.




Antalya mayor calls on Israelis to return

Amid sharp drop in Israeli tourism due to crisis over flotilla raid, mayor of Turkish city Antalya, Mustafa Akaydın, tells reporters he opposes Erdogan’s policy, promises Israelis will be welcomed with open arms after Israel have lifted a severe warning on travel to Turkey.

The number of Israeli tourists visiting Turkey dropped dramatically this summer (in June by 90%).

Mayor Akaydın, who is a member of the secular opposition party CHP:

“It is a mistake to assume that the Turks will not welcome the Israelis with kindness. Antalya’s economy is dependent on tourism, particularly from Israel. Relationship between our countries crucial to entire region’s stability.”

“I oppose Erdogan’s policy and, as a member of the opposition, … I believe that Israeli tourists who will also visit Istanbul and Ankara will be met by the same atmosphere.”

“To us, the Israelis’ money is not as important as the friendly relations between both nations. I am very concerned about the ties between our countries. We have the strongest economies in the Middle East, and the relationship between us is crucial to the entire region’s stability,” Mayor Akaydın says.

Erdogan caused damage to Antalya – missing the Israeli tourists.



The Turkish

Internet censors

censored by


The websites of three major Turkish communications institutions were blocked by an unidentified hacker or hackers between 1 a.m. and 11 a.m. Friday.

The alleged perpetrator of the hack, which affected:

the Transportation Ministry,

the Telecommunication Transmission Directorate, or TİB, and

the Information and Communication Technologies Authority, or BTK,

released a statement on the Internet explaining the motives behind the cyber-attack.

According to this online statement, the acts of the three institutions against YouTube, which is blocked in Turkey, were “unlawful.” On Thursday, the TİB banned 44 additional sites that users were employing as alternative gateways to YouTube.

“Our goal is not to prevent the works of establishments, but to raise attention [to them] in the realm of public opinion,” the online text read. The hack also prevented access to the website of the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, or TÜBİTAK, in order “to expose the lack of vision and functionality of the Computer Intervention Events Team, or BOME, which is the institution dealing with public security.”

YouTube has been banned in Turkey for more than two years due to several court decisions, and some Google applications have recently become inaccessible or hard to access due to disagreements between the Turkish government and the U.S.-based firm that owns the video-sharing site. The disagreement between the Turkish government and YouTube mainly concerns videos that insult Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic.

Serdar Kuzuloğlu, technology editor for daily Radikal, gave additional information about the YouTube ban Thursday on a show broadcast on the NTV news channel. According to Kuzuloğlu, YouTube has blocked access to the videos that were insulting Atatürk in response to several Turkish court decisions, but the Turkish government did not find that satisfactory and demanded the videos be removed completely. This request was denied by YouTube, said Kuzuloğlu, who described the process as “a government continuing a blood feud with an Internet site.”

“The stakes have been raised in the game between the Turkish government and YouTube” following the attack on the Gaza-bound aid ship Mavi Marmara, Kuzuloğlu said.

A new wave started after some pro-Israel users uploaded videos caricaturizing [Prime Minister] Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on YouTube,” he added, noting that the website’s refusal to accede to the Turkish government’s demands that it delete these videos has increased the tension.

SOURCE: Hürriyet.   http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com


“An adventurous Turkish prime minister”





A group of former Turkish diplomats issued a statement on Friday in which they accused Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of implementing an “adventurous” foreign policy.

In their statement, the diplomats said “Foreign policy is a long-term and serious job. It’s a serious pursuit that requires knowledge, foresight and calm analytical abilities.

Stressing that diplomacy was not an easy job and many diplomats face threats during their service, the statement claimed: “Young or old, and regardless of rank, civil servants are in crisis areas in the most dangerous parts of the world. They represent our country, provide humanitarian aid, and carry out diplomatic contacts – and along with them there are those who provide management, technical and communication support. Who among them deserves this jeering?”

The retired ambassadors asked whether Erdogan was caught up in neo-Ottomanism.

“Foreign policy isn’t about bravery and adventurism. Those who claim to know history well need to remember the misfortunes brought to our country because of adventurous and imaginative cheap hopes – like the ‘mass prayer in Jerusalem.’ The penalty for such free heroic acts being paid with the lives of our innocent people is a source of distress,” the former diplomats said.

This photo is supposed to show Tayyip Erdagan with Osama bin Laden, april 2007.

SOURCE:   http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com






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